Largo Clean Energy Company Profile

Largo Clean Energy

Largo Clean Energy
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Company Information
Based in Wilmington, Massachusetts, Largo Clean Energy is meeting a critical need in today’s energy storage marketplace: making the grid-scale battery practical, resilient and economical across a twenty-year time horizon. Parent public company Largo Resources Ltd. Is focusing on growing the grid energy storage side of its business and offers strategic supply of the VRFBs raw materials.
Though Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries (VRFBs) have already been proven through decades of use in numerous installations worldwide, Largo Clean Energy has pioneered a breakthrough technology improvement to build a flow battery that delivers 3 times the power at a cost and reliability that was never before possible. LCE optimized this proprietary technology resulting in a highly competitive energy storage product at the lowest lifetime cost of ownership of any grid-scale battery.
Led by energy storage industry veterans, with partner companies who have been at the forefront of technological innovation, Largo Clean Energy itself has also been built to last. In the coming years, we will continue to work with our utility, corporate, military, and government customers to build storage systems—and relationships—that stand the test of time.